Duyen Hai Thermal Power Company focuses on completing tasks for the second half of the year

Despite the numerous challenges faced in the first six months of 2024, Duyen Hai Thermal Power Company has continued to implement various solutions, aiming to complete the targets and tasks set for the last six months of the year.

Duyen Hai Electricity Power Center

In 2024, Duyen Hai Thermal Power Company is assigned the task of production and business - investment and development for the three plants: Duyen Hai 1, Duyen Hai 3, and Duyen Hai 3 Expansion, with a total planned electricity generation of 15.425 billion kWh. Electricity production as of June 30th reached 7.101 billion kWh, achieving 96% of the dry season plan, 46% of the annual plan, and 132% compared to the same period. Basic economic and technical indicators remain stable.

In addition, the company effectively has implemented maintenance and repair work, training, and labor utilization and efficiently used production and business costs; reduced inventory according to plan; effectively implemented occupational safety and health, fire prevention and fighting, disaster prevention and rescue, and environmental protection, etc.

Mr. Ngo Van Sy, Director of the Company presented gifts to disadvantaged households in Dai An commune, Tra Cu district, Tra Vinh province on the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2024.

Moreover, the Company has continued to have practical social welfare activities in the area, such as: Contributing funds to purchase health insurance for poor households; giving gifts to the poor during the Lunar New Year; awarding scholarships to poor students; funding the education encouragement fund; building houses for the poor, and many other meaningful social welfare activities. These actions have helped to spread positive images and values ​​of the company's social responsibility to the community, enhancing understanding and consensus with the unit's activities.

The Company organized a conference to promote and meet with customers consuming ash in 2024 to address challenges and obstacles and accelerate the ash consumption rate in the coming time.

To implement the plan and tasks for the last six months of 2024, the leadership of Duyen Hai Thermal Power Company has resolutely directed, organized production management, and promptly implemented comprehensive solutions. This includes focusing on key tasks such as: ensuring the safe and stable operation of units, meeting the system's dispatch requirements; achieving economic and technical indicators as assigned by EVNGENCO1; ensuring sufficient coal supply for operation and optimizing inventory levels by December 31, 2024, to ensure safe and stable operation during the 2025 dry season; continuing to implement solutions in the plan to enhance reliability and operational efficiency, aiming to reduce the number of incidents, self-consumption electricity and heat loss; strengthening the monitoring of coal volume and quality to ensure efficiency; completing the maintenance of units, ensuring schedule and quality; strengthening ash consumption activities, etc., with the determination to complete all targets and tasks in 2024.