Song Tranh Hydropower Company donated breeding cows to poor households in Song Tranh 2 Hydropower Reservoir Area

Accordingly, Song Tranh Hydropower Company, in cooperation with the People's Committee of Tra Doc Commune, organized the handover of 10 breeding cows to 5 poor households, selected by the local people and government, to raise and care for, creating a sustainable income source, helping them escape poverty.

Scenes of the cow donation ceremony

Attending the handover ceremony were representatives of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bac Tra My District, Mr. Pham Manh Cuong - Secretary of the Tra Doc Commune Party Committee, Mr. Ho Cao Quy - District Committee Member, Chairman of the People's Committee of Tra Doc Commune, Mr. Nguyen Binh - Head of Administration and Labor Department of Song Tranh Hydropower Company together 5 beneficiary households, and many ethnic minority villagers in the Song Tranh 2 Hydropower Reservoir area.

Overwhelmed with emotion upon receiving a pair of breeding cows from Song Tranh Hydropower Company, Mr. Pham Huu Quoc, residing in Village 2, Tra Doc Commune, on behalf of the poor households receiving the cows, expressed that his family and the four other poor households receiving the cows were very happy to be selected by the local community and receive support from Song Tranh Hydropower Company in the form of breeding cows. This was an immense asset for his family and the other poor households benefiting from this livelihood model. He promised to take good care of and raise these cows to develop the herd as quickly and effectively as possible to increase sustainable income for his family, aiming to escape poverty and reduce the burden on the locality. With cows to develop their livelihoods, his family and many other poor households there would no longer rely on clearing forests and burning fields to grow crops, contributing to forest protection and protecting the water sources of the area.

Mr. Pham Huu Quoc (in white), Village 2, Tra Doc Commune, expressed his joy at receiving a pair of breeding cows

Poor households were delighted to receive their pairs of breeding cows

On behalf of the local government, Mr. Ho Cao Quy - District Committee Member, Chairman of the People's Committee of Tra Doc Commune, stated: "This is timely encouragement and sharing from enterprises, particularly Song Tranh Hydropower Company. The implementation of social welfare activities in Tra Doc Commune, specifically, and the districts of Bac Tra My District, in general, by Song Tranh Hydropower Company over the past period has contributed to the local effort to eliminate poverty. Notably, this cow support initiative has further instilled confidence in the local people, and I believe this is a well-founded model that will surely be effective, following the direction of the People's Committee of Quang Nam Province regarding supporting livelihood models for people in the Hydropower Reservoir area. Song Tranh Hydropower Company, along with the locality, has been gradually eliminating temporary housing and reducing poverty sustainably in Tra Doc Commune."

Mr. Ho Cao Quy - District Committee Member, Chairman of the People's Committee of Tra Doc Commune

It is known that Tra Doc Commune currently has a total of 811 households with over 3,355 residents, of which more than 490 are poor households, primarily relying on clearing forests and burning fields to grow crops.


  • 17/07/2024 02:26

Relation News