EVNGENCO1 Ensures Power Supply for the System During the Peak Dry Season

In May 2024, the electricity system load continued to increase compared to the same period in 2023 and the 2024 plan of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. On May 29th, the system load exceeded 1 billion kWh per day for the first time.

EVNGENCO1 exeeded the assigned electricity production plan in May 2024

To meet the increasing electricity consumption demand, EVNGENCO1 has implemented numerous solutions to ensure dry season power supply in 2024, striving to operate the plants to meet the dispatch requirements of the National Power System.

Electricity production in May 2024 exceeds the assigned plan

Specifically, the fuel supply for EVNGENCO1's thermal power plants is sufficient to meet operational needs and maintain the required inventory volume. EVNGENCO1 also implemented a water supply plan that is efficient and saves water. As a result, the water levels in the hydropower reservoirs are currently in good condition, despite the frequency of water inflows tending to be lower than the previous month.

As a result, in May 2024, EVNGENCO1's electricity production exceeded the assigned plan with 3.327 billion kWh, achieving 106.2% of the plan. At the same time, the Corporation and its units have made efforts to coordinate with local authorities to provide water efficiently and save water, serving as the basis for a sufficient water supply to meet the needs of downstream areas until the end of the dry season.

Regarding investment and construction, investment and construction projects are being implemented by the Corporation according to the assigned schedule. As of the end of May, the actual investment and construction volume reached 44%, and the disbursed value reached 45% of the 2024 plan (including the disbursed value for the implementation value of previous years).

Furthermore, digital transformation continues to be actively implemented by EVNGENCO1 with the goal of becoming a digital enterprise by 2025. Environmental protection is prioritized, and numerous strict and effective measures are being implemented.

In May, the Corporation and its units implemented many programs for workers in honor of Labor Month and social welfare programs in their operating areas, such as supporting the construction of houses for disadvantaged families in Quảng Nam province, Đắk Nông province…

Many activities in honor of Labor Month have been implemented

Ensuring power supply during the peak hot period, strengthening preparations for the rainy season

June is the peak of the hot season, leading to high loads. The northern power system will face significant challenges in power supply. EVNGENCO1 will highly focus on achieving the target of completing the assigned electricity production of 3.323 billion kWh. Specifically, the thermal power sector will maintain the stable, safe, and reliable operation of the units, contributing to ensuring electricity supply for the system during the peak dry season and throughout 2024, as directed by EVN. The hydropower sector will coordinate with relevant units to ensure stable operation of the plants and provide sufficient water to meet the actual needs of localities until the end of the dry season. Maintenance and repair work will continue to be carried out according to plan.

In addition, EVNGENCO1 and its units will focus and strengthen preparations for the 2024 rainy season. Hydropower units will ensure close coordination with relevant agencies and owners of dams and reservoirs to implement reservoir operations, ensuring the safety of the structures and downstream areas.

Investment and construction, digital transformation, and other work will continue to be implemented by EVNGENCO1 according to plan, maintaining sustainable and stable production operations throughout the General Corporation.

Source: https://tapchicongthuong.vn/evngenco1-dam-bao-cung-cap-dien-cho-he-thong-trong-cao-diem-mua-kho-122115.htm