EVNGENCO1 visits and encourages construction forces at the 500kV Circuit 3 Transmission Line Substation

On June 19, in Thanh Hoa, a delegation from Power Generation Corporation 1 (EVNGENCO1) led by Mr. Tran Doan Thanh, Chairman of the EVNGENCO1 Trade Union, visited and encouraged the construction forces at the 500kV Thanh Hoa Transformer Station, part of the 500kV Circuit 3 Transmission Line Project from Quang Trach to Pho Noi.

The delegation included Mr. Uong Quang Huy, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Electricity Trade Union; Mr. Ho Sy Nam, Deputy Director and Chairman of the Trade Union of Nghi Son Thermal Power Company; Mr. Truong Quang Minh, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EVN International Joint Stock Company; and Mr. Le Vu Ninh, CEO of EVN International Joint Stock Company.

They were welcomed by Trinh Tuan Son, Chairman of the EVNNPT Trade Union, and representatives from construction units at the site.

The delegation presented gifts to encourage officials, engineers, and workers of the National Power Transmission Corporation currently working on the 500kV Thanh Hoa Transformer Station under the 500kV Circuit 3 Project from Quang Trach to Pho Noi.

On behalf of the delegation, Chairman Tran Doan Thanh conveyed his wishes for good health to all officials, engineers, and workers at the Thanh Hoa 500kV Transformer Station and across the entire project site. He expressed confidence in the strength, determination, and unity of all forces on the site, ensuring the project meet its deadlines.

With the current heatwave and abnormal rains, the delegation emphasized the importance of safety for personnel and equipment during the construction process. They also stressed the need to care for and enhance the material and spiritual lives of workers on the construction sites.

Chairman of EVNGENCO1 Trade Union Tran Doan Thanh (far right) sent health wishes to officers, engineers, and workers at Thanh Hoa 500kV Substation Project

EVNGENCO1 donated a total of 120 million VND from the Central Welfare Fund of the Corporation. Of this amount, 100 million VND was sent to the Trade Union of the National Power Transmission Corporation, and 20 million VND was used for direct encouragement and support to employees of EVN International Joint Stock Company (an affiliate of EVNGENCO1) involved in supervising certain items of the project.

The delegation visited and gave gifts to EVNSPC's Team to increase support for the construction of 500kV transmission line 3 of Quang Trach - Pho Noi

Mr. Trinh Tuan Son, Chairman of the EVNNPT Trade Union, sincerely thanked the leadership and workers of Electricity Generation Corporation 1 for their concern, visit, and support in colTradeating with EVNNPT to implement the key project of the 500kV Circuit 3 transmission line. The gifts will serve as motivation for workers to continue overcoming challenges, promoting creativity, and team cohesion to successfully complete the project in accordance with the directions of the Government, Ministry of Industry and Trade, and EVN.

The delegation gave gifts to encourage employees of EVN International Joint Stock Company (a unit of EVNGENCO1) who are participating in consulting and supervising a number of project items.

Through these visits and gift-giving activities, EVNGENCO1 aims to contribute responsibly to the overall mission of the Vietnam Electricity Group in ensuring safe, continuous electricity supply for socio-economic development and meeting the daily life needs of the people. Additionally, EVNGENCO1 wishes to share and encourage the workers involved in constructing the 500kV Circuit 3 transmission line, especially the Tradeers of the National Power Transmission Corporation, to overcome difficulties and work together with determination to timely complete the construction of the 500kV Circuit 3 transmission line as directed by the Prime Minister.

Employees of EVN International Joint Stock Company (a unit of EVNGENCO1) are participating in consulting and supervising a number of project items.

On June 6, 2024, the President & CEO of EVN and the Standing Committee of Vietnam Electricity Trade Union sent a letter of appeal to all union members, officers, engineers, and workers of units in and outside the Electricity industry continue to uphold the spirit of solidarity, joint efforts, consensus, and determination to complete the construction of the 500kv circuit 3 transmission line under the direction of the Prime Minister.