Duyen Hai Thermal Power Plant Strives to Implement Solutions for Dry Season Power Supply in 2024

Adhering to the guidance of the Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) and the Power Generation Corporation 1 (EVNGENCO1) in ensuring dry season power supply in 2024, Duyen Hai Thermal Power Plant has implemented numerous solutions in management and operation, contributing to stabilizing the national power system and providing electricity for socio-economic development.

Implementing Multiple Solutions in Management and Operation

Duyen Hai Thermal Power Plant has implemented various solutions in management and operation, contributing to safe power supply during the 2024 dry season.

Accordingly, since the end of 2023, Duyen Hai Thermal Power Plant has focused on production, adhering to the requirements and tasks of ensuring power supply. Electricity production in the first five months of the year reached 6.1 billion kWh, achieving 39% of the 2024 plan. Basic economic and technical indicators such as self-consumption electricity ratio, availability factor, and outage rate due to incidents all met the plan. Coal supply ensured the operational needs of the plants.

Furthermore, the company has developed a reasonable maintenance plan for the units, ensuring quality and progress as planned; fully and safely implementing regular inspection, maintenance, and repair of the units' equipment systems; adhering to regulations on the implementation of regular maintenance, periodic repairs according to procedures and manufacturer recommendations to ensure functionality and extend the service life of the equipment.

The company's leadership pays particular attention to and directs the units directly managing operations, enhancing inspection and monitoring of equipment to promptly detect any defects, as well as urging operating personnel to strictly adhere to procedures to avoid subjective incidents affecting the power generation capacity of the units. At the same time, the company continues to promote digital transformation, applying science and technology in production, business, and innovation and research.

Focusing on Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection

Training on electrical safety and practice in rescuing people from electric shock

Alongside production and business tasks, the company consistently focuses on ensuring occupational safety and health, improving working conditions for employees. During the year, the company regularly organizes occupational safety and health training sessions, as well as implementing inspections, testing of regulations on occupational safety, inspecting and testing the safety of personal protective equipment; conducting random on-site inspections to promptly identify and prevent any incidents that could lead to occupational accidents, equipment failures. This helps employees enhance their awareness and responsibility in complying with legal regulations, mastering safe technical procedures, avoiding subjectivity, and lacking caution, resulting in consequences for their health and lives, their colleagues, and property damage to the company.

Duyen Hai Thermal Power Company always pays attention to Environmental Protection tasks

In addition, the company has strengthened the management of environmental protection, strictly controlling waste sources according to legal regulations. It also maintains the stability and reliability of 24/7 automated environmental monitoring and control equipment, continuously transmitting data to the Tra Vinh Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment, regularly monitoring the implementation of environmental protection activities, ash and slag treatment and consumption, coal loading, unloading, and transportation to prevent coal dust and ash from escaping into the environment, continuing to plant new trees on the premises of the plants to create a green, clean, and beautiful environmental landscape.