Quang Ninh Thermal Power Plant ensures power supply continuously during the 2024 dry season

In the first 5 months of 2024, the units of the Quang Ninh Thermal Power Plant operated safely, continuously, and effectively met the mobilization requirements of the national grid. As of May 31, 2024, Quang Ninh Thermal Power Joint Stock Company has generated 3.55 billion kWh, achieving 103% of the electricity production plan for the first 5 months of 2024 and reaching 85.57% of the 2024 dry season electricity plan assigned by the company, contributing to ensuring electricity supply for socio-economic development and improving people's lives.

Identifying the assurance of sufficient electricity supply during the 2024 dry season as a crucial political task, since the beginning of 2024, the company has been determined and effectively implemented synchronized solutions in operational management. The company regularly reinforces equipment systems; discipline in production operation has been strengthened, ensuring basic economic and technical indicators such as self-use ratio, availability factor, and shutdown rate due to incidents all meet planned targets.

To ensure units are ready to operate at maximum capacity during the peak of the dry season, the Quang Ninh Thermal Power Joint Stock Company proactively implemented solutions for major equipment systems affecting unit capacity factors such as the plant's cooling water system and coal processing system from the beginning of the year. The company continues to apply experience in controlling and reducing incidents, resulting in a decrease in the shutdown rate due to incidents in the first 5 months of the year by 1.62% compared to the target limit of 2.74%.

The company has instructed directly managing units to strengthen equipment inspection and monitoring to promptly detect flaws and urge operating staff to strictly comply with procedures to avoid incidents that affect unit power generation. Alongside enhancing operational management, repair work is also carried out according to the planned schedule. The company has directed repair units to allocate sufficient personnel on duty to promptly detect and thoroughly rectify any defects to avoid affecting unit power generation.

Currently, the steering committee is widely launching the "120 Days of Maximum Effort to Ensure Sufficient Electricity for the 2024 Dry Season" campaign, aiming to instill the highest determination among all employees of the company to successfully fulfill the 2024 dry season electricity supply plan as well as the 2024 business production plan.