National power consumption set new record due to severe heat wave in mid-June 2024, EVN continues to recommend saving electricity

In the past few days of mid-June, the most widespread severe heat wave in the North and Central regions with several consecutive days with temperatures above 35oC caused national power consumption to set a new record. According to data from the National Load Dispatch Center, in June 2024, both the maximum power (Pmax) and average power consumption per day on a national scale increased sharply with new record numbers for the national power system as follows:

- At 13:30 on June 19, 2024: the peak capacity of the national power system reached 49,533MW.

- National power consumption on June 14, 2024, reached 1.025 billion kWh.

EVN and its units have been proactively implementing synchronous solutions for optimal operation of the power system and the electricity market, increasing electricity imports, accelerating construction investment progress, and encouraging customers to use electricity economically and efficiently. Up to now, these solutions have all brought high efficiency with the result that since the beginning of the year, the power supply to serve the country's socio-economic development and people's daily life has been well ensured while the actual power consumption has grown much higher than the expected plan.

As previously reported, accumulated for the first 5 months of 2024, the total electricity output of the entire system reached 124.25 billion kWh, an increase of 12.2% over the same period in 2023. Of which, the power consumption growth rate of some typical components is as follows: residential electricity increased by 18.08%, trade - services electricity increased by 18%, industry - production electricity increased by 12.15%, and so on.

To ensure power supply in all situations in 2024 and the following years as directed by the Prime Minister, EVN and its units have been synchronously implementing solutions for optimal operation of the power system, electricity market, increasing electricity import, accelerating construction investment progress, and mobilizing customers to use electricity economically and efficiently. The National Load Dispatch Center optimally builds methods and operates the power system and electricity market; develops power supply scenarios, and updates weekly factors on power production, load demand, and hydrological developments to proactive build and adjust power system operation plans to ensure sufficient power supply in all situations. In the coming time, when the flood season comes and hydrological developments are favorable, hydropower plants will be optimally exploited and generate electricity with the goal of operating the system most economically.

EVN drastically implements construction investment tasks and solutions of projects in accordance with the direction of the Prime Minister to ensure the progress of key power source and grid projects. At the same time, Power Corporations/Companies have closely coordinated with the People's Committees of provinces/cities to strictly and effectively implement electricity-saving programs and solutions to achieve the target according to Directive No. 20/CT-TTg dated June 8, 2023, of the Prime Minister.

EVN has also been drastically implementing construction investment tasks and solutions of projects in accordance with the direction of the Prime Minister to ensure the progress of key power source and grid projects. Especially in the current period, EVN and its units are focusing their highest efforts to complete the construction of the Quang Trach - Pho Noi 500kV circuit 3 transmission line with all solutions, on schedule as required by the Prime Minister.

EVN desires that all power customers will continue to join hands to truly "Save electricity – become a habit"

To join hands to contribute to ensuring power supply during the hot summer of 2024, EVN desires to continue receiving the sharing and active cooperation of people and power customers through thoroughly using electricity economically, especially during peak hours at noon (from 11:00 to 15:00) and in the evening (from 19:00 to 23:00). In particular, paying special attention to the reasonable use of air conditioning, only turn on when necessary, set the temperature at 26-27oC or higher; at the same time, paying attention not to use many high-capacity electrical devices at the same time during peak hours. Thoroughly using electricity economically also minimizes the risk of electrical incidents and limits the increase in electricity bills.
